Friday, July 6, 2012

...on today's reality

Yesterday afternoon brought a lovely thunderstorm to our neighborhood.  Add that on top of Jackson taking a three hour nap (for the second day in a row) and you have pretty much the best day ever.  This morning I attempted to get up early again and succeeded except-so did Jack.  Chloe usually stays in bed until she decides she has to go potty or wants to eat.  This morning, though, she decided to get up with me and after eating her breakfast went to scratch on Jack's door.  You know, just to make sure he was ok.  On the one hand I think it is kind of sweet, on the other hand it is the most annoying thing in the world!  So, we all got up.  Thanks to the rain, it has been a beautiful morning so far and it still a little bit cloudy which makes for great playing outside conditions.

When my sister was here last weekend we had a brief conversation about blogs and how they can make you feel less than adequate-about everything.  I remember when Jack was first born Adam told me that I should maybe stop reading peoples blogs because all they seem to be about is how perfect their life, baby, husband, marriage, church, friends, family, etc...are.  I like to refer to them as year round christmas cards.  So, here is my attempt to give you all a little dose of some realities around here lately.

Sometimes we eat breakfast on the counter.

Sometimes our waffles turn out like this...

Sometimes we load up in the car for no other reason than to get a coffee.  Sometimes when we do this Jack is only wearing a diaper and a pj top.  And sometimes he says "copy!" when we pull up to the window to order.  

Sometimes when Jack wakes up cranky from a nap I turn on Elmo for him.  

Jackson loves cookies and I am fully aware that I have no one but myself to blame for that.  

Sometimes I think about putting Jack back in his cloth diapers but then I just can't bring myself to deal with the poop-even though it would save money.  (maybe I should actually work on this)

Sometimes I think it is good to know that not everyone is perfect-even though the blogosphere may make it seem that way.  

Happy Friday, everyone!  I hope that you have a chance today to embrace all the craziness of life-even though it may not be perfect!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, I love it! Just what I needed today. Life has been crazy here... We moved into a house. And though one might think that is a dream come true, for me, it's more like my worst nightmare. More space, more stuff, more crap to clean. Oh, and I meant to ask you, how do you deal with the tile floor? I think I am going crazy with the tile, the dog, the baby. Things haven't been peachy here, and I will attempt to write about the setbacks just as much as the flawless days. Thanks for the reality check!!!
