Wednesday, August 3, 2011

...on the last day

Well folks, today is day 30.  That means two things-as of tomorrow I can eat whatever I want AND it is time for before and after pictures.  I'm kind of dreading that part and kind of anxious to see if I can see any difference in my body since I started this 30 day challenge.  I'm not quite sure how to proceed from here.  I don't want to just start eating bad foods, you know?  I think I might try to slowly introduce things back in and go from there.  Really, as I said before, this diet is not all too different from how Adam and I normally eat-just much more strict.  I do have a couple of confessions to make...I had a martini on Saturday night (date night, remember?) and I had a spoonful of cookie dough and a bite of cookie yesterday.  Not too bad for a girl who normally "makes cookies" to eat the dough.

Ok.  Last day!  I can't believe I actually did this.  I'm not going to lie to you, I'm kind of glad it's almost over.

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